Xavier Barcons

Xavier Barcons

Birthplace: Spain
Director General, European Southern Observatory (ESO)

"Constructing and operating world-leading observatories, the ESO enables breakthrough astronomy, pushes the boundaries of engineering and spurs innovation in open science. Many of our technologies find applications beyond astronomy benefiting society. Collaborating internationally with academia and industry, we contribute to talent development and provide a platform for peaceful scientific cooperation." 

Xavier Barcons obtained his MA degree from the University of Barcelona and his PhD degree from the University of Cantabria. Since 2002, he has been a CSIC research professor and served as the founding director of the Instituto de Física de Cantabria, where he established the first Spanish X-ray astronomy group. Throughout his career, he has conducted research at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, focusing on active galaxies and X-ray surveys. Barcons played a role in ESA's X-ray observatory flagship missions, namely XMM-Newton and Athena. He advised the Spanish Government on astronomy and research infrastructures from 2004 to 2014, has served on ESA science advisory bodies and served in ESO Council as delegate, Vice President and President. He has been the ESO Director General since September 2017.