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Josef KRATOCHVÍL, President, Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic (CZ)
Borghildur ERLINGSDÓTTIR, Director General, Icelandic Patent Office (IS)
États membres
- AL: Albanie
Mr Maria SOLIS, Acting Director General
General Directorate of Industrial PropertySuppléant:
Ms Rudina BOLLANO, Examination Director
General Directorate of Industrial Property- AT: Autriche
Herr Stefan HARASEK, Präsident
Österreichisches PatentamtSuppléant:
Frau Raphaela TIEFENBACHER, Strategieleiterin
Österreichisches Patentamt- BE: Belgique
M. Jérôme DEBRULLE, Directeur général
Direction générale de la réglementation économique, Office de la Propriété Intellectuelle, Service Public Fédéral Economie, P.M.E., Classes moyennes et EnergieSuppléant:
M. Geoffrey BAILLEUX, Conseiller
Direction générale de la réglementation économique, Office de la propriété intellectuelle - Service Affaires juridiques et internationales - Propriété Industrielle- BG: Bulgarie
Ms Olya DIMITROVA, President
Patent Office of the Republic of BulgariaSuppléant:
Ms Maya FILIPOVA-DEMIREVA, Vice-President
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria- CH: Suisse
Mme Catherine CHAMMARTIN, Directrice
Institut Fédéral de la Propriété Intellectuelle
Herr Marcus EHNLE, Vizedirektor und Leiter der Patentabteilung
Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum- CY: Chypre
Ms Irene MYLONA-CHRYSOSTOMOU, Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
Ministry of Energy, Commerce and IndustrySuppléant:
Ms Soteroula TSOKOU, Officer, Intellectual Property Section, Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry- CZ: République tchèque
Mr Josef KRATOCHVÍL, President
Industrial Property Office of the Czech RepublicSuppléant:
Ms Eva SCHNEIDEROVÁ, Director of Patent Department
Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic- DE: Allemagne
Herr Christian WICHARD, Ministerialdirigent
Bundesministerium der JustizSuppléant:
Frau Eva SCHEWIOR, Präsidentin
Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt- DK: Danemark
Mr Sune STAMPE SØRENSEN, Director General
Danish Patent and Trademark OfficeSuppléant:
Mr Flemming KØNIG MEJL, Director, Center for Policy, Legal and International Relations
Danish Patent and Trademark Office- EE: Estonie
Mr Margus VIHER, Director General
Estonian Patent OfficeSuppléant:
Ms Tiina LILLEPOOL, Head of the Patent Department
Estonian Patent Office- ES: Espagne
Représentant :
Ms Elisa RODRIGUEZ ORTIZ, Director
Spanish Patent and Trademark OfficeSuppléant :
Ms Ana URRECHA ESPLUGA, Director of International Relations and Legal Coordination Department
Spanish Patent and Trademark Office- FI: Finlande
Mr Antti RIIVARI, Director General
National Board of Patents and Registration of FinlandSuppléant:
Mr Jani PÄIVÄSAARI, Patent Process Owner & Head of Examination Division of Chemical Technology, Patents and Trademarks
National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland- FR: France
M. Pascal FAURE, Directeur général
Institut National de la Propriété IndustrielleSuppléant:
M. Jérémie FÉNICHEL, Directeur, Direction de la Propriété Industrielle et des Enterprises
Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI)- GB: Royaume-Uni
Mr Adam WILLIAMS, Chief Executive and Comptroller General
Intellectual Property OfficeSuppléant:
Mr Andrew BARTLETT, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Director of Services
Intellectual Property Office- GR: Grèce
Mr Panagiotis KANELLOPOULOS, Director General
Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (OBI)Suppléant:
Mme Catherine MARGELLOU, Deputy Director General & Director Legal Support
Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (OBI)- HR: Croatie
Ms Ljiljana KUTEROVAC, Director General
State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of CroatiaSuppléant:
Ms Irena TUŠEK, Acting Deputy Director General
State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia- HU: Hongrie
Mr Szabolcs FARKAS, President
Hungarian Intellectual Property OfficeSuppléant:
Ms Dóra GYETVAINÉ VIRÁG, Vice-President, Industrial Property Administration
Hungarian Intellectual Property Office- IE: Irlande
Mr James KELLY, Controller
Intellectual Property Office of Ireland
Ms Claire O'REILLY, Head of Information and Corporate Services
Intellectual Property Office of Ireland- IS: l’Islande
Icelandic Intellectual Property Office
Ms Borghildur ERLINGSDÓTTIR, Director General
Icelandic Intellectual Property OfficeSuppléant:
Ms Elfa Íshólm ÓLAFSDÓTTIR, Head of Finance and Operations
Icelandic Intellectual Property Office- IT: Italie
Mr Amedeo TETI, Head of the Market and Consumers Protection Department
Ministry of Enterprises and Made in ItalySuppléant:
Ms Simona MARZETTI, Head of unit IV: European and International Affairs
Directorate General for Industrial Property, Italian Patent and Trademark Office, Markets and Consumers Protection Department
Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy- LI: Liechtenstein
Frau Ute HAMMERMANN, Abteilungsleiterin, Immaterialgüterrecht
Amt für VolkswirtschaftSuppléant:
Herr Panagiotis POTOLIDIS-BECK, Leiter, Abteilung Wirtschaft und Entwicklung
Amt für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten- LT: Lituanie
Ms Vita KASCĖNĖ, Director
State Patent Bureau of the Republic of LithuaniaSuppléant:
Ms Dovilė TEBELŠKYTĖ, Head, Legal and International Affairs Division
State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania- LU: Luxembourg
Mme Iris DEPOULAIN, Chargée de la direction
Office de la propriété intellectuelle
Ministère de l’EconomieSuppléant:
M. Claude SAHL, Chef du secteur "Législation"
Office de la propriété intellectuelle
Ministère de l’Economie- LV: Lettonie
Mr Agris BATALAUSKIS, Director
Patent Office of the Republic of LatviaSuppléant:
Ms Līga LĀRMANE, Director, Patent Department
Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia- MC: Monaco
Division de la Propriété Industrielle, Direction du Développement Economique
M. Jean-Pierre SANTOS, Chef de Division, Division de la Propriété Intellectuelle
Division de la Propriété Industrielle, Direction du Développement ÉconomiqueSuppléant:
Mme Isabelle BROWARNYJ, Responsable du système d'information, Division de la Propriété Intellectuelle
Division de la Propriété Industrielle, Direction du Développement Économique- ME: Monténégro
Ms Jasna VUJOVIĆ, General Director
Directorate for Internal Market and Competition, Ministry of Economic Development of MontenegroSuppléant:
Mr Nebojša MUGOŠA, Head of Department for Legislation and International Cooperation in the Area of Intellectual Property
Directorate for Internal Market and Competition, Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro- MK: Macédoine du Nord
Mr Eljesa NEZIR, Director
State Office of Industrial PropertySuppléant:
Ms Luljeta RAMADANI, Head of IT
State Office of Industrial Property- MT: Malte
Mr Godwin WARR, Director General Commerce Department, Comptroller of Industrial Property
Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and LandsSuppléant:
Mr Matthew PISANI, Director Industrial Property Registrations, Commerce Department
Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands- NL: Pays-Bas
Mr Paul VAN BEUKERING, Principal advisor
Ministry of Economic AffairsSuppléant:
Mr Thijs VAN DEN HEUVEL, Head of IP unit
Ministry of Economic Affairs- NO: Norvège
Ms Kathrine MYHRE, Director General
Norwegian Industrial Property OfficeSuppléant:
Mr Jostein SANDVIK, Director, Legal and International Affairs
Norwegian Industrial Property Office- PL: Pologne
Ms Zaneta Zemla-Pacud, Deputy President
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland
Ms Beata OLESZEK, Principal Expert, International Cooperation Department
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland- PT: Portugal
Ms Ana Margarida BANDEIRA, President of the Directive Council
National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)Suppléant:
Ms Maria Inês CRISTÓVÃO DA SILVA, Head of the Patents and Utility Models Department
National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)- RO: Roumanie
Mr Marian-Octavian ŞERBǍNESCU, Director General
State Office for Inventions and TrademarksSuppléant:
Ms Simona GEORGESCU, Director of Economic Department
State Office for Inventions and Trademarks- RS: Serbie
Mr Vladimir MARIĆ, Director
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of SerbiaSuppléant:
Ms Aleksandra MIHAILOVIĆ, Acting Assistant Director of the Patent Sector
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia- SE: Suède
Ms Anna JARDFELT, Director General
Swedish Intellectual Property OfficeSuppléant:
Ms Marie ERIKSSON, Head of Legal Affairs, Patent Department
Swedish Intellectual Property Office- SI: Slovénie
Ms Karin ŽVOKELJ, Director
Slovenian Intellectual Property OfficeSuppléant:
Ms Bianka DEL FABRO KOPANJA, Secretary
Slovenian Intellectual Property Office- SK: Slovaquie
Mr Martin KRÁL', Vice-President
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak RepublicSuppléant:
Mr Emil ŽATKULIAK, Head, International Affairs Department
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic- SM: Saint Marin
Ms Silvia ROSSI, Director
State Office for Patents and TrademarksSuppléant:
M. Bruno CINQUANTINI, Advisor
Secretariat of State for Industry, Handcraft and Commerce
State Office for Patents and Trademarks- TR: Türkiye
Mr Muhammed Zeki DURAK, President
Turkish Patent and Trademark OfficeSuppléant:
Mr Fatih KARAHAN, Head of Patent Department
Turkish Patent and Trademark Office
Conseil d’administration – composition décembre 2024
Pour connaître la composition du Conseil d’administration de l’Organisation européenne des brevets avant janvier 2025, veuillez consulter les entrées correspondantes du Journal Officiel.